
Encaustic art for everyone

When you melt the beeswax and apply it to special paper with an encaustic iron, the most surprising creations will appear. Even after learning all the techniques and after gaining a lot of experience, the results are still a surprise, and that gives you a good feeling. Being able to see the possibilities and to create something is what makes the whole experience worthwhile.

By showing my work I hope to share this feeling with others, who will see the pieces of art, and maybe would like to have a try and want to learn the art for themselves.

Ivonne de Vos

Besides being in healthcare for my living, I have always been engaged in creative activities. As a child I learned to create big things with little material. With that background knowledge I have felt free to explore new possibilities and develop new skills. In late 2018, I got to know about encaustic art. The quick, special and surprising results of working with molten beeswax fascinated me immediately.

Painting with beeswax, also called encaustic art, is perhaps the oldest form of visual art in the world. It originates about 2500 years ago in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean. In 1987 the English artist Michael Bossom made encaustic art popular again. Using modern tools and with his enthusiasm he managed to inspire people to take up the art. In the past three years I have myself followed three courses with Michael, in addition to following masterclasses with several international encaustic artists.

Each of the four categories are represented in my work. Click on the photo to see more from the same category. Sometimes it is difficult to choose which heading to put a painting under. Sometimes the viewer might possibly make another choice. Take a look with an open mind and see what catches your eye. Many works are for sale in Shop on Etsy. Have a quiet look around there, and if you want to buy a painting, you can either set up an account, or buy as a guest. If you have questions, then contact me by using the contact form.


Work at request

If you are looking for a special piece of art, but can’t find what you’re looking for, then I can make something just for you. It is impossible to predict exactly what a painting will look like, due to the nature of the medium, but if you are open to a unique piece of art, then I will gladly make one for you. Please use the form and I will contact you to discuss the possibilities.

Course Encaustic Art

If you would like to experience encaustic art for yourself, then it is possible to attend a course. There is a short basic course of three days, which you can follow up with a more advanced course. If you just want a one-off introduction, that is possible in the form of a workshop. For more information, look under course.

    We all have a creative side to ourselves, so it is your choice as to what to you do with it: looking at it, developing your artistic side, learning, creating something yourself, or buying art, anything goes!